Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Before I get started, someone mentioned I hadn't been sharing Wednesday Male Hotness. How remiss of me! Since I haven't, here's two to make up for all the other boring weeks.

Aaaand you're welcome. So, the topic this week is all about stuff I wished I'd learned earlier. Jeez, this topic could be a long-running series since there are tons of things I wished I'd learned earlier.

The first thing I wish I'd learned way, way earlier, and it would have saved me so much stress, time and money (since it took about a blue million dollars and a lot of therapy) was there is no such thing as control. 
I know, that was my reaction too. It took me forever to learn that the ONLY thing I can control is me and my reaction to things. I can't control other people, events, nothing. I can only control me. This was so hard for me to understand since I was such a control freak. Of course, I tried to control things because not only was I a sexual abuse survivor, but the child of an alcoholic. Controlling everything around me made me feel as though my life was under control. It really wasn't and, until I realized this and actually took charge of ME, I lived in constant chaos. 

Once I figured this out, I tried to share it with my students, since I heard them say things like, "So and so MADE me . . ." Guess what? No, they didn't. No one made you talk or run or hit someone, you chose to do it. I know, hard concept. Some of them got it, most didn't, but hell I was an adult when I finally figured it out. And damn that knowledge came the very hard way.

Learning this would have allowed me to shake off so much crap earlier than I did. Thankfully, I did learn this lesson, but it just took a while.

Another thing I wish I would have learned earlier is I'm smart. I think I would have had the confidence to go to college right out of high school instead of waiting. I wanted to go, but just didn't think I'd do all that well. My younger sister was the smart one and I was the  . . . I wasn't sure, but it wasn't the smart one. Yeah, but guess what? I am. I graduated Magna cum Laude with a 3.75 (I think), then went on to get a Masters. So, go me.

Now go out and see with Bronwyn, Jessica, Kris and Deelylah wish they had learned.


  1. Number one is huuuuuuuge and so important and damn hard to come to terms with. Go you!

    1. Yes it was!! And that's why it took me forever and ever and ever to figure out

  2. So, I"m thinking I went the wrong way on this one. Oh well. And yes, control is the illusion, just like the flea circus. :) Go you for realizing that.

    1. Nothing is ever wrong, it's just how you interpret it. :-)

  3. Huge lesson that so many struggle with! I wish would have learned earlier that it is ok to give up/let go. I was so totally programmed to finish what I started that I stayed in a failing marriage too long, stayed at a place of business where I was unhappy too long, kept toxic people in my life for too long.... if only I'd have learned earlier that there truly is a time, and it's ok, to "quit". Thanks for the opportunity to vent. Love you!
