Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Before we being let's have some Wednesday Male Hotness

So, the topic this week is what motivates me to write. And, I might say, if I knew, I'd be cranking out the words, but that's a downer attitude to have. And, I've actually been writing so that's a huge positive for me. I have over 56k on the book I'm working on so I am major stoked.

Normally, a number of things can flip that writing switch. The first would be a really awesome writing idea. I once wrote a book in 2 weeks. Yeah, I know, I'm stunned too. My utterly amazing friend Jessica was an editor for a publishing house and she called me. She was heading up a Valentine's anthology and she'd gotten no submissions and she wanted me to write one. No pressure, but she needed it in a month. *cue dramatic music* 

I jumped on that and whipped out the book Be Mine. I already had the germ of an idea and it just flowed. It was my first contemporary erotic romance and I still think it's pretty good.

The second thing to motivate me is the love of the story. I love the men in my Promises books. I love the overarching story arc and being able to come back and visit the same characters over and over. I have over 10k on the next book in the series, Broken Promise, so as soon as I finish what I'm working on now I am so back to it.

The next thing that motivates me is the need to escape. I suffer from chronic depression and it so sucks. Escaping into one of my stories where the women are totally kickass and the men are hot is often the only thing that gets me through a day. I need the escape. Unfortunately, when the depression is at it's worst I can't write. I don't have the energy or the brain power to be creative. 

Deadlines are a huge motivator! If I have a deadline, like the two weeks, I will flip into gear. It's like writing papers for college. I know when they're due and they have to be done. End of story. When I was in college I refused to lose a letter grade because I couldn't get my stuff done. 

When I visit my amazing friend Jessica Jarman, I write the entire time we're together. She motivates me, since she's writing too. We go to a coffee shop or B&N and just sit and write. There's nothing better than to sit with someone who is engaged in the same thing you are and work together. It's awesome.

Last, getting emails from readers totally motivates me. I read about how much my books are loved and it just makes me want to write. Yay!!

And that's what motivates me. Now hop on over to the other bloggers' pages and see what gets them writing.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Hello! Before I get to the wordlessness let's share some WMH

So, today's topic is anger/rage and, let me tell you, there are tons of things that get me ragey, especially with all the crap going on in the world right now. If I did those, this would so be a big downer, so I'm going to share some things that make me angry/ragey, but with a light-hearted spin to them. 

So here are things that make me feel:

Now check out what the other bloggers have to share.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Once again, I totally had a "brain dump" yeah see what I did there?? And forgot to write the blog. *sigh* I will admit that I had a valid excuse. I was actually writing.On my book. O_O (stunned look) I know! I'm stunned too.

Oh, wait, let's give out WMH

Soooo, there are many things on my mind. The big one is a huge pet peeve I have and this involves the bookstore I work at. 

*clearing throat*

Attention Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and everyone else who brings kids in:

The bookstore is not a playground. The people who work in the bookstore are not there to watch your kids. The merchandise that sit on the shelves is not a free-for-all to give your kids something to do. It is for sale. Which means, you have to buy it before your kids play hell out of it. 

And this all means, that no one listens. I cannot tell you the number of times I see kids tossing, playing, running and screaming through the aisles with the things the bookstore has for sale. Okay, take today for instance. This kid is throwing a fit and tosses a book on the floor and steps on it. Can we say OH HELL NO!

Yeah, I instantly said something to him about it. And dad was on him like a shot, but it doesn't often happen that way. If I had a dollar for every kid that's basically dumped back in the kids department to "play" while the parent is up hanging out in the cafe drinking a coffee talking on the phone. Really??? Have you no sense of responsibility?? Do you really imagine that the employees pay attention to your darling? If someone were to snatch that kid up you know that parent, who isn't parenting, would be the first one crying a bucket of tears. 

Also, the parents with the phones. Can you not spend any time talking with your kids? Reading to your kids? Nope, obviously not since your phone is sooooo much more important than your spawn who is running around acting like they're at a park. I'm sure you don't watch them there either. You know, you took the time to have the kids, could you spend a little bit of time interacting?

In all this craziness, I never blame the kids. I'm a teacher and I know how kids are. They need to be taught. I put all the blame where it belongs, on the adult. As my Mom once said to me, "Once you have a child, you no longer get to be the number one priority. Your child is." And this is why I never wanted kids. I made that decision. I wish some of these other people had made the same one. 

And that was my Wednesday soapbox. Now run out and check out what the other bloggers have on their minds.

Jessica D