Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Happy Gwensday! Today we're chatting about our latest writing projects. But First . . . MHW

Okay, so the project I'm working on is the bane of my existence. I have been writing on this book forever. I started it, abandoned it and came back to it. I have rewritten the beginning of it like . . . 4 times, which is what I did with Dark Promise. Thankfully, I love these people and am not tired of them. I'm 60k into it with maybe another 15-20k to go. I've been working on it so long it already has a cover. Created by the incredible cover goddess, Kris Norris.

I know. It's gorgeous!! I just need to finish the book so it can get the cover.

So, the main characters are Rowan Haggerty, Vladimir Rodzianko, and Sergei Bukolov. She is a forcibly retired government agent and the two men are Vitala. That's a fancy name for vampires, though these guys aren't dead. They're another species that live a long time and drink human blood. Vlad is the head of the Russian Enclave and Sergei is his second.

At the beginning of the book, Rowan discovers humans holding Vitala captive - two adult males and a child. She ends up rescuing the child, which kicks the book into gear. Chases, assassination attempts, and hot hot sex follow. There will be a happy ending, though I'm not there yet. Hey I'm only on page 141 so it has a bit to go. I can't wait for you all to read it, since I've been working on it for so so long.

Now, run out and check what the rest of the bloggers have going on. Oh, and give a warm welcome to the newest member of the blogger family Torrance Sene!!

Jessica D


  1. Okay, I know you want the best work output, but dying here! This sounds really good. Can't wait to read. Thank you for the peak.
