Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Well here we are, only 2 days until Christmas. Hopefully, you have your shopping finished and all the presents wrapped and under the tree. I do and boy does it feel good. Another awesome event from this season is Maeve (the kitten) has totally ignored the tree. There's been no attempts to climb it, jump in it, or eat it. I am one thankful kitten mama. 

Anyway, no matter how you celebrate, or if you don't, I wish you nothing but joy this month. I can't believe 2015 is almost over. Truthfully, I'll be glad to see it go. It hasn't been the best year for me. I look forward to the promise of the new year. I always think of it as starting fresh, clean slate and all that. I need it. 

Before this year comes to a close though our two best friends are coming to spend the holidays with us. They've been coming ever since we lost our Mom in 2010. The holiday isn't the same without them. We're actually planning our own fancy tea for Christmas Eve. Sis and I have already started cooking and baking. It's gonna be good. 

And I'm sure you're confused, right? I'm pagan and yet I celebrate Christmas. Not technically. I celebrate Yule, but no one I know does. So I just kind of move my Yule celebration a few days later and BAM it's all good. 

Oh, to celebrate this incredible holiday Sis has been composing a fabulous poem. She isn't finished yet, but I can post what she's written so far. I'll nudge her along and make her finish then post the rest later. So here it is:

T'was the week of Christmas and all through the house
All the kittehs were stirring, playing with a fake mouse.
The stockings were hung over the fireplace with care,
In the hopes that Command Hooks would keep them right there.

Abby was mad, demanding to be fed,
And threatening to walk on my poor little head;
And Gwen and Jude in their lounge pants, looking like crap,
Had just settled down for their afternoon nap.

When out in the kitchen, there arose such a clatter,
We sprang out of blankets to see to the matter.
Again from the kitchen, there was a great crash,

And Maeve and Olivia from the room did dash.

I told you she wasn't done, but so far I am enjoying it. I hope you do too. So have a great week! And now check out some of the other bloggers holiday greetings.


See you next week!! Gwen

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