The topic this week is our memoir. I'll confess when I was a child I imagine I would look sort of like this as I wrote:
Don't ask me why. I have no clue . . . wait, yes I do. When I was a kid I read books like Jane Eyre and Little Women and, I'm sure, the above pic is close to how I imagined Bronte and Alcott looked as they wrote. Yeah, that is so not me.
This is more like me:
Or maybe this:
Either way, I am never going to sit around looking pensive . . . or Victorian as I scribble out the next great classic. So, my memoir, if there ever would be one, wouldn't be this intense sharing of ideas or fabulous, far off locales.
Most probably I'd call it just what this blog is called. Thoughts Off the Top if My Head, since that's pretty much what my writing consists of. Sometimes, there's no rhyme or reason to what I post, what I write, or often my activities throughout the day. In fact, my life is fairly random. So, perhaps we could call it Random Moments.
Anyway, my memoir would probably resemble a series of small essays since that is fairly random and off the top of my head. Ooooo, see what I did there? What? Sue me, it's late and I had to go out of town for work today. And that involved driving . . . so much driving.
Yep. Anyway, go check out what the other bloggers have to say. I am so sure, you will not regret it.