Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The topic this week is our memoir. I'll confess when I was a child I imagine I would look sort of like this as I wrote:
Don't ask me why. I have no clue . . . wait, yes I do. When I was a kid I read books like Jane Eyre and Little Women and, I'm sure, the above pic is close to how I imagined Bronte and Alcott looked as they wrote. Yeah, that is so not me. 

This is more like me:
Or maybe this:
Either way, I am never going to sit around looking pensive . . . or Victorian as I scribble out the next great classic. So, my memoir, if there ever would be one, wouldn't be this intense sharing of ideas or fabulous, far off locales.

Most probably I'd call it just what this blog is called. Thoughts Off the Top if My Head, since that's pretty much what my writing consists of. Sometimes, there's no rhyme or reason to what I post, what I write, or often my activities throughout the day. In fact, my life is fairly random. So, perhaps we could call it Random Moments. 

Anyway, my memoir would probably resemble a series of small essays since that is fairly random and off the top of my head. Ooooo, see what I did there? What? Sue me, it's late and I had to go out of town for work today. And that involved driving . . . so much driving. 
Yep. Anyway, go check out what the other bloggers have to say. I am so sure, you will not regret it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


I love these posts because I love music. This time, instead of talking about songs we love, we're talking about songs that bring forth an emotion. Gah!! Not much makes me cry, but a few songs will do it every time. So, here's a few songs that make me:


"Get Back Up Again" from Trolls - I love this song!! It makes me dance every time. Oh and smile, it makes me smile while I dance.


"Enough" by The Mrs. - I think the song really speaks for itself and I listen to it to remind myself that I am enough.


"Beam Me Up" - Pink - This song makes me think of all the people I've lost.

Now go and check out what songs the other bloggers have listed. Oh and if you want to tell me what songs make you happy, hopeful or sad let me know.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Welcome to another Top 10! This week we're chatting about things (events, people) whatever we avoid. As always, this list is in no particular order. Also, it all doesn't necessarily have anything to do with writing. Let's get started:

1. I avoid plotting out a book. Yeah, I know. It's crazy. I know, in my head, the basic plot and where it's going, but nothing is written down, save for info on my characters. Beyond that, the sky is the limit. I've found that in depth plotting stifles me.

2. Going out late. I hate being out later than say . . . 8 or 9 (at the latest). I like to be home fairly early especially if I have to work the next day. Sis and I are always joking that we can't stay out late on "a school night" and we don't. 

3. I avoid alcoholic drinks that taste like alcohol and dry wine. I cannot stand a wine that sucks the moisture from my mouth. This means I love sweet wine, in fact, the sweeter the better. 

4. I avoid spicy food. I love it, but it doesn't love me.

5. Country music - enough said

6. Books that purposefully set out to pluck my heartstrings or some kind of stupid. I want action, adventure, and love. I want my people to end up together at the end of the book. I don't want to be left hanging with some kind of unanswered question. And I certainly don't want either one to die. That is a total no go for me.

7. If I can help it, I avoid being out in snow. I don't like to drive in it at all. I do fairly well, but it's everyone else that's crazy and can't drive. :-)

8. Heavy perfume fragrances. I am allergic to them so I don't wear any kind of perfume. I use body lotion and that works for me

9. High-heeled shoes. I've done it, but after I broke my leg it hurts way too much. So no heels for me.

10. Writing historical romance. I've thought about it, but I really think it will stifle my creativity. I want to create my own worlds and have my own rules. I don't want to have to stick to actual historical settings, rules and dates. None of that is for me.

Now go on out and check what the other bloggers avoid.
